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little mary 〔口語〕肚子。

little neck

Little mary : i find in my history book there is always such number ( 1451 - - 1560 ) after the name christopher columbus . would you please explain why , sir 小瑪麗:我在歷史書中發現,克里斯托。哥倫布這個名字后老是有( 1451 - 1560 )著幾個數字,老師,請您給解釋一下好嗎?

I am pleased to hear of little mary ' s birth . congratulations to all the three of you 聽到小瑪麗出生的消息,我真高興。向你們全家三口表示祝賀。

He ' s no little mary sunshine 他不是小瑪莉陽光

Yes . there . my father , little mary and one is vacant 是啊.那兒.我爸爸,小瑪麗,還有一個空著

I won't allow little mary to watch television till midnight . 我不會讓小瑪麗看電視到午夜的。